EEWSHM Praying and Building 2/24/16

Julmice read Philippians 1:11 - May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

As the verse reminds us, any righteous character we might have is only produced by Jesus which then brings glory and praise to God. I am so thankful for those like Julmice and Luckson who because of their life in Christ are a blessing to me. God is so good to bring along those He has purposed for His work in Haiti. We continue to see God at work throughout this process. The packing of the containers and the transportation to Savannah for loading on the ship has all progressed on schedule. The ship is to leave for Cap tomorrow and arrive no later than March 6th. Please continue to pray as we will then begin the process of getting the containers out of port once they arrive.

Also be praying continuously that God will bring Spirit-filled, servant-minded leaders to our team on the ground in Haiti. Pray as we begin to form relationships with our new Haitian neighbors in the neighborhoods around the clinics.

Check out these latest pictures of the Eye Center and Guesthouse!