EEWSHM Praying and Building 11/15/15

I want to give a big shout out to all of our prayer warriors who were able to come together Saturday night to pray over this ministry. We had 25+ people who showed up. What an encouragement and blessing to gather together and acknowledge God as the One who has been at work and who alone will carry this through. He has a plan and we are all just fortunate to be invited along for the ride. I continue to be amazed at the folks that God is bringing together for His purposes in Galman. Please continue to intercede for this ministry "without ceasing". Thankful!

Julmice continues to work daily with the construction team laying tile, painting and continuing with ongoing structural work. Just so excited to see the progress!

Julmice read 1 Timothy 1:16 - And yet God had loving-kindness for me. Jesus Christ used me to show how long He will wait for even the worst sinners. In that way, others will know they can have life that lasts forever also.